It seems like it was just the other day that I was a bored ass fuck temporary employee at the University of Vermont College of Medicine who started a blog to counteract the lack of work I was doing. Regardless, it's been a pretty good time and we wouldn't trade it for the world. Ok, maybe we'd trade it for the world, cause seriously, the world is like a pretty big gain. Hell, I'd probably trade it for a fully functioning laptop right now (old school iBook been acting a fool lately). Anyway it's been a helluva year sharing some of our favorite stuff with y'all. Whether it's posting sweet mixes, getting our first "please take down this mp3 asap" email from the DFA (we still blush when we say that) or pounding PBR's and jamming out to live tunes, whatever it is we've been doing we really liked it. And we hope you did too. After all, we started it for y'all. This blog really does no good for us, especially in the getting chicks department.
The other day I posted a "Welcome to Spring/ It's our Birthday mix", Bobkast #12 for those you keeping score, so be sure to peep that, as it's a happy culmination of everything we love. Disco, soul, reggae, pop, Swedes...you know, the usual. And for today's first birthday post, well we're celebrating. Happy Birthday Bobka! And hopefully many more to come.
The Beatles- Birthday
Junior Boys- Birthday (Manitoba Remix)
Modeselektor- Happy Birthday
Post Script- Thanks for all the kind comments this past year. Even though we're cynical douchebags, they really mean alot to us. Really, they do. Without a kind word here and there the Bobka wouldn't exist. You guys are the best. Slainte!
Happy Birthday Bobka Boys! Keep up the good work. Live hard
i prefer the Mort DC band version of the Beatles Happy Birthday...
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