Everyone's getting really "stoked" on the new Animal Collective...even though it hasn't leaked and most people haven't heard it. It's gotten so out of hand that there are over 600,000 page views in the AC-MPP atease thread and even a Twitter account dedicated to the Merriweather Post Pavillion leak. As one of the lucky few able to attend the NYC-MPP listening party, I can attest to the freaky joyous bounce fest that is MPP. If you've heard the "Brother Sport", or the "My Girls" rip, or have seen the band live in the past year, you're probably feeling the same way. That said, it's important to look to the past to remember how far AC have come, and this live set from Other Music in 2004 is a great example. Remember when Animal Collective was a "freak folk" band? Yeah me neither, but some people said they were. Anyway, this in-store performance, recorded a few months after the release of Sung Tongs, is all the drone-y vocal, shuffling acoustic strum and Avey screaming you remember from the pre-sampler AC. Notice the "On A Plain" cover, it's money. These guys sure have a way with Nirvana covers.
Animal Collective Live at Other Music 8/16/04
i googled mpp and leak and found your site. i am very dissapointed. can a brother get a leak or what?
haha. if i had one, i wouldnt be giving it away. but i dont, so that shouldn't matter.
just wait til 1/20, i promise it'll be worth the wait. yes, ive heard it. and yes, its fucking out-this-world.
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