Monday, November 1, 2010

epic: 1000th Post Mega Giveaway

Oh, Shit!

It's taken three and a half years but somehow we made it to 1,000 posts without getting insanely sick of this. In fact, it's sort of baffling that this site is still around, especially since we've seen a lot of sites we loved vanish into a sea of 0's-and-1's. In all honesty, I never would've thought things would come this far, let alone expand into the physical realm with The Report, The Curatorial Club, the Sunday Brunch radio show, and the seemingly infinite Chocolate Bobka Presents concert series. It's a real honor y'all have stuck around this long. That said, let's get to the good shit.

We've been making a ton of stuff over the past couple of years, and now here's your chance to own it all in a single bundle. Think of it as the only collection of the Bobka archives. Leave your favorite Bobka-related moment in the comments for a chance to win. Only 1 will be chosen.

This includes:

All 32 Bobkasts on a DVD data disc. (Hours of custom mixes with Special Art)
All Episodes of Sunday Brunch on DVD Data disc
All Chocolate Boboka videos & videos for Tunnelvision
A copy of The Report V.I DVD
A copy of The Report V.1 cassette
A copy of every single TCC release (including all sold out tapes. Note some will be bootleg versions-- ie. Spend the Night with Games.)
Complimentary entrance (+1) to the next 3 Bobka shoes (11/6 (peep below) , 11/13 (peep below), 11/19)
A copy of the Report V.II (including tape & DVD)

A copy of Pure Ecstasy's Easy 7"
A copy of Real Estate's self-tlted debut LP
A copy of Fluffy Lumber's Group Tightener 7"
A copy of Coasting's Group Tightener 7"
A copy of Alex Bleeker's Group Tightener 7"
A copy of Andrew Cedermark's Moon Deluxe LP
A copy of Pill Wonder's Surf/Jungle 12"
A copy of Big Troubles Worry LP
A copy of Mountain Man's Sun Dog 10" EP
A copy of the sold-out Tennis Marathon 7" (Yellow vinyl)


Simon Vanderveen said...

Favorite moment... just discovering CB. I mean, you guys have influenced my tastes a ton, which I'll remember forever.


i think my favorite bobka moment is yet to come... in the form of specialized YEW ESS BEES

Jordan Lee said...

CB + The Report + the sick Games tape I just got are amazing. Here's to 1000 more posts!

Louis Kishfy said...

the post that you made about the guardian. I remember the author commenting on that post.

that was a big moment.

Andy said...

Favorite moment was discovering Slim Thug getting brain in the "Still Tippin'" video. It's not necessarily from the site itself, but still. Thanks for the heads up and the great music.

Anonymous said...

my favorite bobka moment might be the Twin Sister curatorial tape. it's so awesome.

WeAreWere said...

Having the Bobkast and Sunday Brunch on Newtown Radio mp3s come up on random in my itunes (my little private moment...)

orange and yellow said...

fave choc. bobka moment was when we met for 1st time last Dec. 17 and Music Tapes were carolling and played at your apartment and you had 5 people come over. it was random & one of my fave holiday moments still bc it was non-commercial and genuine.

Andrew Heuback said...

My favorite moment is actually a daily reoccurrence, where inevitably at some point, the chocolatebobka twitter retweets something and prefaces it with "oh, word? #realtalk"

JP said...

okey, maybe i am not qualified, but i have lots of love. here are some CB moments that were important to me:

1. spring 2009, scouring web for mp3s at wnyu and happening upon CB before discovering most other music blogs and seeing someone post about real estate and thinking 'woah' 'awesome' 'lol seinfeld'

2. october 2009, attending CB CMJ showcase at the delancey w/ lizpelly

3. november 2009, reading CB and thinking 'how do i make vegan bobka'

4. january 2010, watching alex bleeker/freaks front row at monster island at CB show and feeling good abt life

5. february 2010, aforementioned retort re: guardian

6. april 2010, working the door for the CB twin sis/weed hounds show at the tortilla factory and feeling good abt life

7. april 2010, being depressed, listening to CB Twin Sis Alternates tape and not being as depressed

8. summer 2010 moving next door 2 CB and receiving the report and reading it w/in context of studying NYC zines/experimental culture of decades past (at NYU) and thinking 'woah' 'so awesome' 'life rules'

9. summer 2010, watching the sun rise from shared CB rooftop w/ CB after CB ducktails show

Anonymous said...

my favorite moment was watching you rap along with FOR THE WEED SMOKERS: DA MIX TAPE, eyes closed, throwing some hands around, while smoking a blunt in your living room.

& lil p-nut. everything about him.

Jimmy said...

fav bobka moments: discovering Lil P-Nut before the labels eff with him, listening to Megazord screwed version of "My Neck, My Back" oh and I guess the first time I popped in The Report v1 DVD (legit).

T said...

OBVIOUSLY the best moment ever is when you pick me for having the best moment ever but then I get so siked that I go into cardiac arrest. Or maybe the best moment is when you tell everyone that they won so that they give you their address and you go and kidnap everyone and sell their organs on the black market$$$$$$$$

K Evans said...

the report! it's been a constant companion since it's arrival. if the tape isn't in my walkman, it's usually never farther away than my backpack. and the book, well it sits within arm's reach when sitting on the toilet (i swear that's a compliment)

shit, i just remembered the family portrait curatorial club tape. that's another favourite.

Mort said...

1) the white-on-white genesis wherein the name for the blog was discovered

2) learning early on not to trust the hype (thx Kid Sis)

3) getting excited about the DFA takedown notice RE: Still Going

4) the first time CB was linked to on P4K RE: the 'Fang' collab with the dudes from OM and MGMT

5) hearing CB referenced on NPR this summer

6) realizing that even in today's world simply putting out an honest, quality product can still rise above the noise

congrats on the first 1k!! it's been a genuine pleasure to see the site grow over the years. CHEERS!!!

MR. COURTNEY said...

shortly after i started reading bobka, i remember you posted an article countering someone else's article about the a-political nature of today's indie movement. your response about how the music itself and the attitude that goes with it can start to make a change... that really effected me... we don't need to become cliches or cartoons of ourselves, but we can lead by example or even by just the presence of this energy... also the long ass chopped and screwed version of "My Neck, My Back" played weeks ago on Sunday Brunch... dope...

Unknown said...

Congrats on 1000! Favorite moment was a recent one. Was incredibly surprised to see a post devoted to Armand Schaubroeck. Growing up in Rochester, NY, the House of Guitars is ingrained as a local institution and played an immense role in fostering my interest in music. I have great memories of my first trips to the store, 9 yrs old, riding my bike on some treacherous roads to buy hip hop tapes. Later on, with friends I began to get interested the aisles of amazing guitars. Thanks for devoting a little webspace to a hometown legend and a local music mecca. I always make a pilgrimage when I'm back home.

Bro said...

Seeing the first Curatorial Club post and getting the first Run DMT tape!!

Camilla Padgitt-Coles said...

My favorite Chocolate Bobka moments offline: The Report vol. 1 package + Pigeons and Spermwhales tapes (and all other music I've been turned onto via its web and physical formats!)

Luke van der Veen said...

Finding you!!! <3 hehe!

Scott said...

I just like all you guys an awful lot. thanks for letting me living room it up and take part in dance parties.

I guess my favorite moment was the McG admirer. Also the show at the Tacqueria. That was awesome.

Congrats on 1,000

mattdodge said...

the real estate jam from the end of the report side a. chiller than a 'tussin and xanex cocktail, almost made me want to listen to phish again (almost)

Jonesie said...

My favorite moment was finding "Polaroids at the Beach," Bobkast #27. That mix not only shaped my summer 2009 but also my whole next year. Any song from that mix instantly reminds me of scenes from that summer, especially riding my bike around Bloomington on my way to and back from fun nights with friends. It contains releases from what ended up being three of my favorite bands of 2009, Real Estate, Holiday Shores, and tUne-YaRdS. It set me off on my Search-for-Real-Estate-Singles Bonanza. And it has definitively defined what summer should sound like for me. I can't count how many people I've sent to CB based on that one mix alone. Thanks so much!

Eric said...

Congrats on 1000! Favorite moment has always been those sunday afternoons from 2-4, when I'm just waking up from a night of debauchery, and the only thing that gets me through is CB sunday brunch, and a blunt, of course.

baconfat said...

the copy on the best coast "up all night" entry is pretty damn sweet - got me hooked on the blog. congrats on making it to 1000!

Free Spirit said...

I think my favorite moment was the first "Last Call with Carson Daly" appearance.

Anonymous said...

Probably, my favorite moment was listening to Alex Bleeker's "Time Cloud" on Sunday Brunch or discovering John K, in addition to you powning that Guardian douche.

E W Warrens said...

Very excited to be celebrating 1000 posts! Been following for a year or so now. I think my favorite moment was just discovering this site in general, very good stuff. Just want to say keep up the good work! Cheers!

Unknown said...

A haiku for chocolatebobka:

this blog is greater
than the other blogs I read.
viva la bobka.

Other blogs posted about Twin Sister.
This blog posted about Twin Sister too.
This blog, however, did not simply post “their best song” and then just leave it at that.
This blog encouraged me to “delve” into their pages of music and find gems that resonated with me.
I followed this advice, and after much “delving,” I found their Orientalism Mix of Indian Film Music.
This mix then inspired much more delving in many other fields, and this delving has led to possibly the most important decision in my life so far: I am now moving to India.
So, indirectly, chocolatebobka changed my life 4 ever.

other (less life-changing, but still pretty swell) favorite moments:
the “There Will Be Blood” post
Alex Bleeker and Mountain Man covering Girls
the “R.I.P. Silver Jews” post
Bobkast 28: Dreaming of Topless Sunbathers

Unknown said...

still FRESH as ever for me. but that Real Estate "Green River/Suburban Beverage" vid you made last year was what i initially landed on & what set it off for me--thx for THAT & all that...congratz mayne

Anonymous said...

i spent many nights sittin on my porch in providence blastin the report v.1 on an old jambox. now i'm living on long island and whenever i feel like shit (everyday) i go for a run. on the drive back from the local middle school track i put on the report and makes me feel like the happiest person in the world. thanks for everything and keep on keepin on!

Anonymous said...

Discovering your blog in the hazy summer of 2k9 was a revelation, and Real Estate, Julian Lynch, Ducktails and others have since become hardcore favorites
Sharing your blog and all this great music with all of my friends here in Santa Monica has also been amazing
My most recent favorite moment has been the transformation of Dent May from ukulele crooner to eastover disco globetrotter to Dent Sweat's "I Don't Mind," definitely one of my favorite tracks this year, and a song I quote regularly to friends, starbucks baristas, and street stalkers
Much Love, and thanks a ton for all the music

Julian Lynch said...

my favorite bobka moments were meeting you guys in adir cohen's backyard in glen rock, and also playing a pillow talk set in your apartment and eating pizza

Unknown said...

genuine happiness listening to Bobcast #29 A Sunflower Earth for the first go around on a long drive

tom said...

by far the Mountain Man//Alex Bleeker show at Lutheran Church of the Messiah in Greenpoint. Not only was the show amazing, but no flier will ever be as classy.

Daniel Gallen said...

The moment I followed Bobka on twitter. Oh, word?

KCP said...

homemade cookies at the first show hosted by Bobka...mmmm

KCP said...

homemade cookies at the first show hosted by Bobka...mmmmmm

Unknown said...

My favorite Bobka moment was when I first discovered your blog. I was such in awe when I realized I loved every single post you have<3

Unknown said...

dont flog my blog bro

Anonymous said...

Fav Moment... stumbling across the site and learning about Pure Ecstasy, awsome.

Anonymous said...

Fav moment... Stumbling across the site and learning about Pure Ecstasy, Awesome!

YEP said...

My favorite memory is that one time you told us all about that really awesome band that no one else knew about. You remember that one? The electro-dance-future-synth group from Brooklyn that didn’t exist yet. So ahead of the curve.

Ida said...

The So I Can Fly bobkast. The music, but also the post. In a short paragraph you created eerie but hopeful imaginary landscape that collapsed like a broken lung and then suddenly expanded. Unexpectedly, but with confidence. Like it wasn't aware that there was any other option besides complete transformation. Snot became something desirable. An allergy became a sex scene.

Another favorite moment was when Charles tweeted a quote from someone saying that their problem with bobka was that he never knew what the hell you were talking about, and that he felt like he was reading Japanese. I loved that.

Sever said...

I played Bobkast 14 at work in the autistic classroom I worked in. There was a boy that was always angry and violent. I put that on and he had the biggest smile ever on his face. I used that CD for months and even passed it on to his grateful parents. It made him so happy. Thanks for making my life a little easier for awhile.

Erik Burg said...

For me, Bobka was the first place I was exposed to this this culture of self-releasing bands and small scale labels. I remember listening to the first Real Estate demo that was posted, watching The Report dvd on repeat for an entire winter, hearing the Underwater Peeps gang screaming during a World Cup Sunday Brunch. Ultimately, Chocolate Bobka has turned me on to an entire world of tunes and personalities that have theretofore changed the way I think about music.

Pur said...

Of my favorite Chocolate Bobka memory I have no memory at all. I suppose you asked for a moment, though, not a memory. I came to your blog through the cyber-ether of many a forgotten link, most of them MP3 searches on hype machine, which christopher r. weingarten failed to mention in his fabled rant is the most genius innovation in search-engine technology for music geeks. Through particle clouds in macbook airport signals, through the electric current clogged tubes of Northeastern American wifi routers, of data storage centers in deserts unknown and unnamed to me, the manic spirit of free MP3 gluttony traveled, shimmered, devoured, and the joy of playlist-making rained pro-creation where economic strain otherwise would have bred creative impotence.

I have never seen a chocolate bobka, so like this "moment" I'm describing, the idea of your blog too is a blank signifier in my brain. A foreign (unimaginable) pastry-named blog (black and pastel like victorian licorice petits-fours moreso than any bobbing ka) manifested in my web browser again and again leaving faint imprints that, once stamped enough times in the same place, formed a more opaque image. Aha, déjà vu, I have been here before. Right-click/Save-Linked-File/Save/Open s'il vous plaît, merci. Charmander, my dear boy, have you Charizarred yourself so soon?
How many tracks I have received from your file-uploading generosity I cannot count but I select as my moment one point sandwiched between a monstrous nuit blanche of work kept at bay by two hours of MP3 surfing some time in the Spring of 2010 and an incidental dipping-67 into the styx of Mp3s, broken apart from albums, no longer owned by any part of the original whole, (the album, the artist, even the blog) now taking a life of its own as a dead limb and buried in flux--some point in the summer of 2009. This intermediary lunch meat section of time is when i realized that your blog is.

Else, the early curatorial club tapes impressed me a bit and it was exciting to yoink the Blackburn comp.
I also liked the part where the fire breathing dragon sprayed green, salmon, blue and pink rectangles out of his sunshine eye.

sether said...

I like how you dont have sunday brunch 3 or 5~!! those are my favorite and my ipod out deleteD! failD!

Unknown said...

Bobka is how I first learned about Real Estate and the greatness of Ray Concepcion's Vimeo page.

Garrett Parker said...

I knew about Real Estate but your year end post last year turned me on to all the side projects. Freaks, Ducktails, Julian Lynch, plus all of the UWP bands. It's been a good year.

McG said...


i think one of my favorite moments was when you played at Monkeytown live via iChat satellite. Absolutely mesmerizing set.

Jotafrisco said...

Well, I would say... All the moments I have spent while listening to episode 9 of Sunday Brunch, or the Games tape. And then spreading the word to my pals, and everywhere. You guys are my only 100% trusted source of music. So if I don't win all that stuff, I will name myself the biggest Bobka fan in Argentina, and that will be my prize!

Jotafrisco said...

Oh, and when I watched the Seinfeld episode with the babka and started wondering...

Barrilete Cosmico said...

I don´t have a favorite moment... I got here searching "great tits"... last time I use yahoo! I swear!

Anonymous said...

Fav moment, discovering Pure Ecstasy (the band of course), amazing!

Unknown said...

mmm favorite moment was discovering twin sister via tcc tape. Best Tape. <3<3<3

Ben said...

My favorite moment is has to be discovering all the great, innovative music that has sprung out of the two towns I grew up in, Glen Rock and Ridgewood. This blog helped cultivate future generations of music within these two towns these past few years, and continues to inspire and amaze everyone who is fortunate enough to visit the blog. Not to mention the hilarity of returning to Central School and finding that both Liam and Sarim have their names on commemorative stones placed in the courtyard. Or that Alex Bleeker, Matt Mcbrayer and I did Summer Newplayers together when I was a tot. It's pleasant to have been able to grow up around these people and see them do so much great stuff now. good luck and be well.

Alex said...

Camden. Fluffhead.

ps MATT DODGE, punter of the new york giants, reads bobka, apparently.

Alex said...

Camden. Fluffhead.

Anonymous said...

My favorite moments were getting new tracks in the wintertime, especially exclusive Ducktails tracks. I would throw them on in the truck, listening to them for the first time, driving through the snow. Driving home with the sun coming up in the frozensky, those wintertime tracks made me feel true warmth.

wisdom said...

pure ecstasy

Unknown said...

Favourite moment = every time I find something awesome one here first. It happens fairly regularly.