"I Can Be Your Bride"

As if you needed another reason, this is why Twitter is great.
Robin Pecknold tweets
"Silver Dagger / Wild Mountain Thyme http://is.gd/inf2" and we get two new songs from the Fleet Foxes/White Antelope. "Silver Dagger" is a fine example of Pecknold channeling Dylan the storyteller, the
Blood on the Tracks/
Desire-era Dylan, where stories were the center of the song, rather than just a mere aspect of them. Pecknold really hits this one on the money. The other new treat is "Wild Mountain Thyme", which is basically a Jackson Browne-CSNY-Laurel Canyon dream come true. Hit the MySpace asap.
White Antelope- Silver Dagger & Wild Mountain Thyme
hi all, hi mgg
i go in holiday in 3 days and i would be so happy if i could hear "silver degger" with my mp3 player
but i cant find it anywhere to download it,
it would be sooo nice if someone could post here a rip...
best regards
yeah man, i had the same question and same problem, so i took it upon myself to quest for such a place to find this song to download. i found it at this link and its on my zune right now, real happy about it too. high five!
thanks man! great
Thanks aswell!!! i love wild mountain thyme
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