Encompassing all your fed-up suburban emotions and the dilemma's of young life in three minutes and thirty eight seconds, So Cow's "Shackleton" is the 2k9 equivalent of a real-time, stream of consciousness lyric poem, made famous by fellow Irishman James Joyce. While Dubliners seems to have influenced So Cow's (aka Brian Kelly) writing style, it is hard to deny Stephen Malkmus's influence on Kelly, who delivers "tragic irony and neon punchlines too" like Woody Allen's pre-occupied court jester in Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex *But We're Afraid to Ask, every little word spilling from his mouth, a mere spout for emotional hangups to pour from. While the pouring is important, its Kelly's knack for cleaning up the spillage in a few comforting words ("And one day I'll write the song you require, until then La La La") , that really makes one question the concept of paying hundreds of dollars on therapy sessions, when one could simply purchase a $15 LP from Tic Tac Totally and get the same results.
So Cow has one last show in New York, this coming Friday at Cake Shop.
So Cow- Shackleton (via Soundbites)
So Cow live set being played on WFMU right now!
So Cow is King!
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