A wondrous evening in a majestic theater with one of the most magical bands on the planet. Viking mystics, if there ever were such a thing.
Setlist: Svefn G Englar/ Glosoli/ Ny Batteri/ Fljotavik/ Vid Spilum Endalaust/ Hoppipolla/ Med Blodnasir/ Svo Hljott/ Heysatan/ Vidrar Vel Til Loftarasa/ Inni Mer Syngur Vitleysingur/ Saeglopur/ Hafsol/ Gobbledigook
(Encore) All Alright/ Popplagid.
Sigur Ros "Hafsol" at 8/22/08
I am so jealous. I have never seen Sigur Ros. From the picture it looks like it was a great moment in time.
my first time. and yes, you gotta go. one of those transcendental experiences words simply can't describe.
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