Wolf Parade rocked Terminal 5 last night. This is noteworthy because A) I have not listened to At Mount Zoomer once and B) I've been avoiding Terminal 5 like typhoid. Regardless, WP brought it. "You Are A Runner...", check. "Sons and Daughters of Hungry Ghosts", check. "Shine A Light", check. "We Built Another World", check. "I'll Believe In Anything", check. And, thank little 8 pound 4 oz baby Jesus, "This (mother fucking) Heart's On (fucking) Fire", double check. Wolf Parade takes the stage at T5 again tonight around 9. Tickets still available, just do it. [Side note: Tix just went on sale for Spencer's return to NY with Sunset Rubdown, Merc is sold out, but Music Hall still available.] Mad props to whoever was doing lights last night, phenomenal job (peep video below for evidence).

"This Hearts on Fire" Live at Terminal 5 7/31/08
That show was rediculous...as much as I hate Terminal 5, I found out they recently re did the sound in there so everything was not as washed out as it had been. It turns out the owners of the Bowery Group don't like Terminal 5 either, but no other venue compares when it comes to ticket sales. Keeping ostensibly allows them to keep ticket prices down at the ballroom, Webster, and the music hall. You should check out Ther Faint in August and Hot Chip in October both at T5.
We got hot chip tix and can't wait. It'll be a good spot to see them. And your right about the sound, unless you were in the back bar on the ground floor, it was phenomenal.
Hey Clifford... the owners of T5 don't like the venue? Where did you hear this?
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