"He's Alright"

2009 was a big year for
Kurt Vile. While shredding out with the Violators seems to be his prerogative these days, lately I've been returning to a live set captured by guys at
Fan Death Records this past April at the label's annual DNA Fest in Washington DC. The Fan Death guys, who know a thing or two about Kurt Vile, said "as far as live recordings go, this is the holy grail..(so far...)." After four months of listening to this set over and over, I can wholeheartedly agree. It's a must own, and finds Kurt playing solo acoustic versions of soon-to-be-classics from
Constant Hitmaker,
God is Saying This to You and
Childish Prodigy. In twenty years, your going to lie and tell your kids you were at this show.
Kurt Vile Live at DNA Fest 4/28/09 Velvet Lounge, Washington DC
I was at this show, I left halfway thorough, it sounded good to me, but after the intensity of the Drunk Driver show, I could not totally get into the Kurt Vile show. Under different circumstances, I would have been enjoying it far more. I am looking forward to hearing this set, I know I will enjoy it
I wonder if the Drunk Driver set was recorded, i would love to hear that.
I mistyped, the band is called Drunkdriver, not Drunk Driver.
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