John K. has been on my radar for a few months now, in due thanks to Dev from Twin Sister, but, admittedly, I only recently got around to checking it out and I gotta say...Wow. Straight up, guy writes incredibly strong, absolutely undeniable micro-pop gems. I probably overuse 'gem' these days, but don't let the boy-who-cried-wolf syndrome detract you. I'm sure it won't after you hear "Lost in the Beat," a blast of fun, yet introspective, micro-dance pop. Pure love for your Friday night. So genuine I can't describe it. Mark had similar problems, and I understand why. Simply put, John K.'s honest and seemingly effortless AM Gold cuts hit immediately. That said, these tracks are only going to get better with age. Sort of like enjoying your first Starburst as a child. It's magical. Instant, and yet, two decades later, their blissful flavor explosion hits just as hard. Highly urge you to download the THREE FREE ALBUMS worth of material John K. has made available on his MySpace Page. Links Below. Also, be sure to snag Twin Sister's ultra fresh International Dust mix, which also features John K., as well as some Twin Sister ambient interludes. Today is a beautiful day.
Full Album links
Hahah was going to get a beer with John last night, but got snowed in. Going to see Beach Fossils/Reading Rainbow/The Spooks with him in Philly on Monday eve...
It seems to be someting wrong with the Lost In The Beat link?
The other ones sound amazing though.
No problem got it
Thanks for all the great music by the way.
It will be John K's year for sure.
Correction: those three featured are the most recent albums. He has two that precede them and a few EP's as well, all of which contain - no other word for it - gems.
So glad John is getting some attention! He's made 8 records since Iv'e known him and they just get better. "Tape Works" is a home grown classic!
This music really incredible. I can't find his website or info about him. Anyone know where I can find tour info, etc?
@wingy - http://www.myspace.com/johnksongs
why isn't he on tour???????????????????????
@Jane - hopefully he'll be playing some shows this summer... stay tuned! More news coming soon!
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