Eleven days before it hits shelves, we feel like a proud mama in getting to introduce to you the cover of Alex Bleeker & the Freaks self-titled debut. Since Sawyer introduced the band via YouTube Vid Chat/Bald Eagles soaring over the vast American landscape, I've fallen head over heels for the Freaks, so much so that I may or may not have held up a lighter while swaying during "Common Sense" the last time I saw them. The first long player in the Underwater Peoples catalog, the Freaks record contains some of the most unabashedly blessed rock n roll I've heard in a long time, recalling a time when meandering solo's were as wistful as a strong wind blowing hard as you speed across I-80 towards the unknown. It's unwavering in its timelessness, and yes, will, at times, remind you of the archival Neil Young releases. While much of the record is based around Alex Bleeker's solemn, road weary songwriting, a welcomed move away from all the idiosyncratic indie stuff, it wouldn't be the Freaks without Julian Lynch's surreal shredding, which will drive even the most apathetic of listeners into an absurdly O-faced air guitar solo. Example, "Dead On," which, yes, hits its stride just as GD did in '77. This 1:06 selection is probably an excerpt from a "Fire on the Mountain" jam, and, well, that's alright with us.
Alex Bleeker & the Freaks- Dead On
Contest: First person to name all of the Freaks on the cover will gain free entrance to the Mountain Man, Alex Bleeker, Liam the Younger, No Demons Here show at the Church of the Messiah on December 11th. Do so in the comment section.
Interesting blog you got here. I'd like to read more about this topic.
BTW look at the design I've made myself Overnight escorts
hahaha ditto what 123 123 said
pretty sure he's fingering that dog
can the contest be who can name the dog?
From left to right: Hugo Chavez, Tony Alva, Barry Gibb, Mr. Rogers, Jerry Garcia, Ed Norton, Jay Leno, and Ralph Cramden. Did I win?
so stoked for this album! love these dudes
('lot' names, from l-r) Rainy Day Raymond, Jean Short Johnny, Bearded Bruce, Preppy Pete, Grampa Bleek, Cross-Armed Cameron, Leather Jacket Lenny, and Yellow T-Shirt Tony
damn this contest has invited weirdly insulting humor
Aww, shit. LOVE from left to right!
overnight escorts... great site, beautiful template 123 123... getting compared to barry gibb? fantastic! sorry Mr. Rogers!!!!
ill give it a shot....Richard Law, Michael Mimoun, Sawyer, Julian Lynch, Alex Bleeker, Ari Stern, Matt Mondanile III, Evan Brody...i'm gonna guess this was taken in the Willard District on the West Side of Ridgewood
ryan's really close, but still missing a few. though longitude/latitude definitely a plus+
was I suppose to name the pooch?
well there's the pooch and also another presence.
MC framed, come on guys
ohhh sneaky...
solid, right in my neck of the woods...Van Dykes ice cream, can't get much better than that.
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