Friday, October 2, 2009

mp3: Julian Lynch "New Untitled Jam"

"I Don't Believe"

A wash in synthesized movements, "New Untitled Jam," which Julian Lynch sent over last night, is deeply rooted in seasonal transition. It's the October sky running across the prairie, fields of corn and wheat swaying in the wind as trucks fly past on solemn grey highways. Surely the Wisconsin air is a bit crisper than here in Brooklyn, and you can feel it in the new jam, which is reminiscent of Orange You Glad standout "The Flood." While Julian's hypnotic synthesizers are at the forefront, lurking in the background, subtly providing the foundation for metamorphosis, are the slightly muted, yet incredibly warm drums. Not sure how he mic'd them, but something about them, possibly how unassuming and unobtrussive they are, really makes the droning synthesizers seep even deeper into your psyche.

Julian Lynch- New Untitled Jam


JeffGoldblumLife said...

chillers jam, tiger. amped on anything/everything from julian.. !

Anonymous said...

that picture inspires me.

Dana J. said...

I've heard of this guy, I think.